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Car Race - An Engaging Interdisciplinary Python Based Project Activity

1 CICS-NOVA,Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Colégio Almada Negreiros | Campus de Campolide 3.º piso - Sala 333 1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal

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Here we present and evaluate a Calculus project using Python and parametrizations: the CarRace. Each student picks an image of a circuit and another of a car online to make the car perform a race in the circuit. Because every student gets a different circuit, they have different lines to parametrize. This is performed using a Python program. Beforehand students get an example of the code for a car performing a circuit and must adapt it to their own project.

This project was posed to a total of 346 engineering students over the course of 3 years. To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, we surveyed all participating students and 120 of them answered. The feedback from the students was mostly positive. It was engaging for students to make this project. They liked to see an immediate application of Mathematics. It helped them understand the subject better and they found it interesting to combine Python and Mathematics. At the same time, they also develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Python, Interdisciplinary, Engineering Students, Project, Coding, Calculus.
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  • Car Race - An Engaging Interdisciplinary Python Based Project Activity

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Sandra Gaspar Martins
CICS-NOVA,Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Colégio Almada Negreiros | Campus de Campolide 3.º piso - Sala 333 1070-312 Lisboa, Portugal


Here we present and evaluate a Calculus project using Python and parametrizations: the CarRace. Each student picks an image of a circuit and another of a car online to make the car perform a race in the circuit. Because every student gets a different circuit, they have different lines to parametrize. This is performed using a Python program. Beforehand students get an example of the code for a car performing a circuit and must adapt it to their own project.

This project was posed to a total of 346 engineering students over the course of 3 years. To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, we surveyed all participating students and 120 of them answered. The feedback from the students was mostly positive. It was engaging for students to make this project. They liked to see an immediate application of Mathematics. It helped them understand the subject better and they found it interesting to combine Python and Mathematics. At the same time, they also develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Python, Interdisciplinary, Engineering Students, Project, Coding, Calculus.
