The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence Based Chatbot in Interactive Learning Media
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After the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the world of learning is no longer the same as it was before the pandemic, especially at the university level, which requires students to be more active in finding lots of learning references via the internet. Active learning has a close relationship with the use of artificial intelligence technology, in this study researchers designed an interactive learning media that applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assisted Chatbot. The multimedia development method used in this research is the Multimedia Development Lifecycle (MDLC) method. Interactive learning media is built using Android Studio, and the retrievalbased chatbot is built with Python, Tensorflow, Hard (Extension for Tensorflow), NumPy, and Matplotlib. The researcher applies the White box and Black box testing methods to test whether the learning media that have been made have worked according to the user's needs. The chatbot model that has been applied to this learning media when tested with the BLEU metric gets a result of 0.1117, this shows the chatbot produces good answers and provides credible learning references. There is a difference in student learning outcomes after using chatbot-based learning media in basic electronics subjects, the utilization of chatbotbased learning media is able to improve student learning outcomes, especially in the student weaknesses section, the chatbot can provide detailed explanations and guide students in solving linear equation problems.
Artificial Intelligence; Chatbot; Interactive Learning Media; Retreival-based Chatbot;
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