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Journal Issue Title
Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly SRELS Journal of Information Management) Vol 32, No 2 (1995) Studies in Conservation:A Bibliometric Survey Abstract
S. K. Senapati
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 3, No 2 (1966) Studies in Energy Metabolism Abstract
Rajeswari Rowlands
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 14, No 10 (1977) Studies in Family Planning: India Abstract
L. Jayalakshmi
Indian Forester Vol 104, No 1 (1978) Studies in Floral Composition of Jaipur District (Rajasthan) Abstract   PDF
Shiva Sharma
The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society Vol 6 (1942) Studies in Fourier Ansatz and Parabolic Equations Abstract
S. Minakshisundaram
Indian Forester Vol 98, No 2 (1972) Studies in Grassland Ecology of the Maharashtra State I. Ecological Classification of Grassland Patterns Found in Different Ecological Habitats and their Botanical Characterization Abstract
J. G. Oke
International Journal of Information Library and Society Vol 3, No 1 (2014) Studies in ICT and Health Information System Abstract
Lata Suresh, Surya Nath Singh
Indian Forester Vol 96, No 1 (1970) Studies in Leguminosae - 8 Critical Notes on a Few Plants of Leguminosae from Bhutan Abstract
K. Thothathri
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 2, No 1 (1965) Studies in Mahabaleshwar Honey-Part 'III' Vitamin Contents (Ascorbic Acid, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin) and Effect of Storage on these Vitamins Abstract   PDF
M. Y. Kalimi, Kamala Sohonie
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 2, No 1 (1965) Studies in Mahabaleshwar Honey-Part 'IV' Vitamin Contents (Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Pyridoxine and Choline) Abstract   PDF
M. Y. Kalimi, Kamala Sohonie
Indian Forester Vol 90, No 2 (1964) Studies in Mineral Nutrition of Indian Forest Species. II. Effect of Deficiency of Macro-nutrients on Rate of Dry Matter Accumulation in Salmalia malabarica Schott. and Endl. Under Varying Light Conditions Abstract
K. K. Nanda
Indian Forester Vol 91, No 9 (1965) Studies in Mineral Nutrition of Indian Forest Species. III. Effect of Deficiency of Macro-nutrients on Net Assimilation Rate and Water Content of Salmalia malabarica Schott. and Endl. under Varying Light Conditions Abstract
K. K. Nanda
Indian Forester Vol 89, No 6 (1963) Studies in Mineral Nutrition of Indian forest Tree Species. 1. Effect of Deficiency of Macro-nutrients on Growth of Salmalia Malabarica Schott. and Endl. under Varying Light Conditions Abstract
K. K. Nanda
Indian Forester Vol 91, No 11 (1965) Studies in Mutual Competition amongst Forest Seedlings. II Abstract
S. Rajkhowa
Indian Forester Vol 90, No 4 (1964) Studies in Mutual Competition Amongst Forest Seedlings-I Details
S. Rajkhowa
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 2, No 1 (1965) Studies in Nutritive Value of Indian Foodstuffs II-Amino Acid Composition of Certain Leafy Vegetables and Millets Abstract   PDF
S. D. Ambegaokar, H. Raj, V. P. Shinde, M. V. Radhakrishna Rao
Indian Forester Vol 90, No 3 (1964) Studies in Oils of Indian Eucalyptus citriodora Abstract
V. K. Sood, M. G. Karnik, Hari Narain
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 6, No 2 (1969) Studies in Prawns-Part IV. Determination of Arginine by Enzyme Arginase Abstract
T. C. Appanna
International Journal of Medical Sciences Vol 3, No 1-2 (2010) Studies in Pregnant Women for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Abstract
A. P. Sawant, Ivvala Anand Shaker
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form and Technology Vol 3, No 3 (2011) Studies in Process Validation of Ranitidine Hydrochloride Tablet 75 mg Dosage Formulation Abstract
S. A. Hapse, K. N. Tarkase
Indian Forester Vol 88, No 11 (1962) Studies in some Shola Forests on the Palni Hills near Kodaikanal Abstract
Raj Kumar Gupta
Indian Forester Vol 60, No 7 (1934) Studies in Spike Disease of Sandal Abstract
M. G. Venkata Rao
Indian Forester Vol 60, No 10 (1934) Studies in Spike Disease of Sandal Abstract
M. G. Venkata Rao
Indian Forester Vol 97, No 8 (1971) Studies in the Chemical Composition and Possible Utilities of Soap-Nuts (Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.) Abstract
M. G. Karnik, O. P. Sharma, Inder Dev
Indian Forester Vol 61, No 2 (1935) Studies in the Control of Spike Disease in Sandal- Part II Abstract
A. V. Varadarja Iyengar
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